vivienne model management (In der Skyper Villa Business Center GP)

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vivienne model management (In der Skyper Villa Business Center GP) Firmen Informationen

Allgemeine Informationen

viviènne model management is a young, dynamic and professional modeling agency founded by Sascha A. Babel. It is commited to promote top talent and exciting new faces. Its focus differs from most other agencies as it searches througout the world for undiscovered talent, intent upon its goal to turn this talent into international stars.

The agency's name has its origin in Sascha's daughter Vivienne, his sweet little princess who is now 9 years old.

viviènne model management has an experienced and dedicated team endeavouring to provide representation of the highest quality to its models and outstanding customer service.

For each model the agency plans a personal career, taking their strengths and personal circumstances into account, thus maximising their potential and the opportunities available to them. Much importance is given to satisfying them and our customers.

The agency works closely with the media and the publishing industry. It keeps a close eye on the market to identify the latest trends and developments.

Our customers belong to different industries and markets - international, domestic and regional. Through our style of managment, marketing strategies and creativity we permanently aspire to achieve extraordinary results

Ainmillerstr.22 Munich

Die Firma hat einen Parkplatz.
Soziale Medien

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