Patera Violins
28239 Bremen, Deutschland
Patera Violins Firmen Informationen
Allgemeine Informationen
The first time I was in contact with a violin was 2006 when I was at home of a friend. He showed me the violin collection of his uncle and he gave me a book to read which was over the history of the great dealer Luigi Tarisio who lived from c. 21 June 1796 – 1 November 1854. He has also showed me a nice over 200 years violin by Leopold Widhalm with whose name I could not do anything at that time. Funny enough that I never have hold a violin in my hands before this day!
I was so impressed from that day on that I begun to study instruments and violin books of his collection over 3 years. During my studying of civil engineering, I decided to buy my first violin, my own books and to visit auctions worldwide until I finally decided to give up my studies and to make my trading professional to make my hobby and passion to my business. The buying and selling has then developed further to today's day and I have gained a large customer base all around the world. The great personal contact to musicians, collectors, investors and dealers I don´t want to miss.
What I particularly appreciate and which are very important to me is dependability – to work with certificates of internationally recognized experts , transparency and a friendly dealing with my customers. Most of my clients are also become good friends.
To my services besides the buying and reselling of instruments belongs also the selling of your instrument in commission or the exchange.
Through my many contacts and thousands of sold instruments I have already helped many musicians and collectors to find their personal dream instrument.
I invite you to contact me personally and take a look around on my website!
Oslebshauser Heerstraße 58 Bremen
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- +491739026166
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