Sixt Wedel
22880 Wedel, Deutschland
Sixt Wedel Firmen Informationen
Allgemeine Informationen
Founded in Munich in 1912, Sixt car rental company today is a worldwide mobility service provider, and still expanding steadily. In Germany and Austria, Sixt is already the market leader.
Sixt rents top-class cars to its customers at very low prices. With the world's largest BMW and Mercedes Benz fleet, the latest models of top car makes, sports cars, convertibles, jeeps and trucks, Sixt meets the requirements of all its customers.
Link to the entire imprint:
Rissener Straße 25 Wedel
- Öffnungszeiten
- Parkplatz
- Die Firma hat einen Parkplatz.
- Telefonnummer
- +491806252525
- Weblinks
- Soziale Medien
- Schlüsselwörter
- autovermietung, mietwagenanbieter
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