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3075 Highland Pkwy, Ste 200
60515 Downers Grove, USA
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Univar Firmen Informationen

Allgemeine Informationen

Founded in 1924, Univar is a leading global distributor of specialty and basic chemicals from a global network of premier suppliers. Univar operates one of the most extensive distribution networks in the world with more than 700 distribution facilities throughout North America, Europe, the Asia-Pacific region, and Latin America, supported by a global network of sales and technical professionals. With a broad portfolio of products and innovative services, and deep technical and market expertise, Univar delivers the tailored solutions customers need through one of the most extensive distribution networks in the world. Univar is Chemistry DeliveredSM.

This is the official page for Univar on Facebook. We invite you to participate in the community of this page. Your opinions are important to us. We just ask that you follow these guidelines:

o If you post a link, please provide some context. We will remove blind links.
o Personal attacks on other community members will not be tolerated.
o Do not post any personal information such as your email address or phone number.
o Language that is obscene, racist, sexist, or discriminatory in any way will be deleted.
o Please do offer advice to other community members, but do not portray yourself as a representative of the company if you are not one.
o Do not use our Facebook page to sell products, solicit money, or recruit fans, followers, and group members.
o Have fun, be polite, and keep the conversation on topic.

3075 Highland Pkwy, Ste 200 Downers Grove

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Soziale Medien

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