Nynas GmbH
40764 Langenfeld (Rheinland), Deutschland
Nynas GmbH Firmen Informationen
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Welcome to Nynas AB’s official Facebook page.
With around 1000 employees, production facilities in Europe and South America as well as offices in over 30 countries, Nynas is dedicated to researching, producing and supplying specialty naphthenic oils and bitumen for a growing global market. Together with our customers, we have the know-how to find new applications and meet new challenges that can help shape society.
Nynas oil are used for specialist applications such as; roads, roofing, lubrication, electrical insulation, tyres, PVC and much more. In our niche of the market, we are a leader, providing customers with a wide range of premium products and services.
Nynas Facebook page is monitored on a regular basis. We are doing our best to answer each person individually within reasonable time. Please write in line with Facebooks guidelines, see www.facebook.com/legal/terms. Comments with bad language, irrelevant subjects or that are unnecessary rude will be deleted. We also encourage you to report postings in breach with these rules.
Marktplatz 6 Langenfeld (Rheinland)
- Öffnungszeiten
- Parkplatz
- Die Firma hat einen Parkplatz.
- Telefonnummer
- +492173596940
- Weblinks
- Soziale Medien
- Schlüsselwörter
- öl- und erdgasunternehmen
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