Projekt Bauhau
10117 Berlin, Deutschland
Projekt Bauhau Firmen Informationen
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The year 2019 will mark the centenary of the foundation of the Bauhaus. To celebrate this occasion, a transdisciplinary, international group of experts working to a five-year plan initiated project bauhaus, the aim being to take critical stock of the ideas of the Bauhaus and to render the utopian surplus of the Bauhaus productive for the present. In the five years leading up to the centenary, from 2015 to 2019, project bauhaus offers a new question to debate every year and invites everyone to join the experimental inquiry into a renewal of art, design and architecture in relation to contemporary society. The focus is thereby on the Bauhaus idea, on overcoming the limits of the disciplines and the fragmentation of modernism and on changing society and everyday life through design.
c/o ARCH+ Verein e.V. Auguststrasse 69 Berlin
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- Telefonnummer
- +493024638706
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- Soziale Medien
- Schlüsselwörter
- apartmenthaus
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