FSLCI - Forum for Sustainability through Life Cycle Innovation e.V.
10969 Berlin, Deutschland
FSLCI - Forum for Sustainability through Life Cycle Innovation e.V. Firmen Informationen
Allgemeine Informationen
The Forum for Sustainability through Life Cycle Innovation e.V. (FSLCI) is a brand new multi-stakeholder and membership-based community organization for everyone interested in and working with Life Cycle approaches to enhance the sustainability of economic activities.
It is the first and only global organization that is conceived by the Life Cycle community, for the Life Cycle community. It enables the community as a whole to become a stakeholder and allows it to decide where, when and what to focus on.
It aims to bring together stakeholders, initiatives and activities around the world under one inclusive umbrella, enabling the Life Cycle community to speak with a clear voice and uniting our efforts for change.
The FSLCI seeks to link existing initiatives and build on the strengths of its membership to be more effective. We will multiply efforts, not duplicate.
Our Vision: A sustainable global society where Life Cycle approaches are established and decision makers have fully integrated them into regular decision making processes.
Our Mission: Be the global voice of the Life Cycle community to accelerate the transition towards a sustainable society through global, systematic and effective application of Life Cycle Innovation.
Charlottenstraße 2 Berlin
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- Telefonnummer
- +493060987799
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- gemeinnützige organisation
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