Vemag Anlagenbau GmbH
27283 Verden, Deutschland
Vemag Anlagenbau GmbH Firmen Informationen
Allgemeine Informationen
We offer customer-specific system solutions for the thermal treatment of foodstuffs, especially meat and sausages, fish or cheese products. In this business sector we developed a wide expertise for many decades and we could establish VEMAG ANLAGENBAU as a market and technology leader with our innovative products. Our focus is the dialog with our customers in our new customer center as well as an intensive research and development activity.
A high degree of quality, safety and profitability combined with extensive customer support is the conception to satisfy stringent requirements of our international industrial customers.
Look and see on the following pages our range of products comprising Smoking Installations, Intensive Cooling and Cooking Installations as well as Climatic Installations, Thawing Installations as well as semi continuous and continuous Installation Systems.
Karoline-Herschel-Straße Verden
- Öffnungszeiten
- Parkplatz
- Die Firma hat einen Parkplatz.
- Telefonnummer
- +4942317777
- Weblinks
- Soziale Medien
- Schlüsselwörter
- industrieanlagenanbieter
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