Marian Europe GmbH

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1011 E St Clair St
46202 Indianapolis, USA
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Marian Europe GmbH Firmen Informationen

Allgemeine Informationen

Marian, Inc. is a global provider of custom, die-cut, flexible component parts for the medical, electronics, and automotive industries. For 57 years, Marian has provided innovative solutions to its customers by offering services like laser, rotary, waterjet, and flatbed die-cutting; prototyping; precision slitting; and packaging. Materials include pressure-sensitive adhesives and tapes; sponge and foam; thermal management; shielding; plastic films, rubber, TPR, and plastic sheet; and filter fabrics, as well as many others. With eight locations throughout North America, Singapore, and China, we strive to provide our customers with quality products and exceptional service at competitive prices.

1011 E St Clair St Indianapolis

06:00 - 18:00
06:00 - 18:00
Die Firma hat einen Parkplatz.
Soziale Medien

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