Navis | Kalmar Germany GmbH

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55 Harrison St.
94607 Oakland, USA
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Navis | Kalmar Germany GmbH Firmen Informationen

Allgemeine Informationen

Navis, a part of Cargotec Corporation, is the global technology standard for managing the movement of cargo through terminals, standing the test of time. Navis combines industry best practices with innovative technology and world-class services to enable our customers to maximize performance and reduce risk. Whether tracking cargo through a port, automating equipment operations, or managing multiple terminals through an integrated, centralized solution, Navis provides a holistic approach to operational optimization. This provides improved visibility, velocity and measurable business results. Together with hardware partners in the Navis Star Technology Alliance, Navis integrates the industry’s leading terminal operating system with select, 3rd party, best-of-breed technologies, to offer complete, pre-integrated solutions that are deployed quickly and easy to maintain. The Navis SPARCS N4 terminal operating system provides more system functionality and more visibility both within and outside the enterprise; enabling customers enhanced flexibility, scalability and competitive advantage.

55 Harrison St. Oakland

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Soziale Medien
hersteller, softwareentwickler/-hersteller

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