Hzpc Deutschland GmbH

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Edisonweg 5
8501XG Joure, Niederlande
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Hzpc Deutschland GmbH Firmen Informationen

Allgemeine Informationen

Our breeders develop seed potato varieties that optimally match local growing conditions. Together with HZPC, local potato growers are able to respond dynamically to the needs of their market and market segments such as industry, retail chains and traditional consumer market channels.

HZPC operates worldwide with 340 employees in more than 14 countries and exports to over 80 countries. By using HZPC varieties and seed potatoes, potato growers worldwide can achieve a sustainable and healthy crop growth, while taking responsibility for people and the environment into account.

Edisonweg 5 Joure

Die Firma hat einen Parkplatz.
Soziale Medien

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