pit green
64283 Darmstadt, Deutschland
pit green Firmen Informationen
Allgemeine Informationen
Who is pit green?
How to play, who invented him and what material is he made of?
Measuring in at about 12cm he is definitely smaller than Tiger Woods, but concerning the power of impact, precision and tactical possibilities, he catches up to the pro golfer. Now at the tee stands pit green, the world's first playable Micro Golfer!
This modern relative of the 'TIPP-KICK Soccer' opens for golfers and non-golfers a new perspective on the noble sport.
No matter where - in the office, on the coffee table or at the bar; by yourself or in a tournament - pit green functions everywhere, and lets you release your passion for golf and design in many ways.
Patented technical know-how, the right materials, and an aesthetic design are combined to give pit green an appeal of beauty, and a passion for the sport of golf.
It will come as no surprise that the interactive concept behind the pit green has won the special prize of "Innovations in Sports Gear" at the Nike Play Awards 2004 and that the ready to play product was also recently awarded the DDC Award "Good Product" 2005.
A precision instrument in every regard.
Bleichstraße 8 Darmstadt
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- +496151800440
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