Haltermann GmbH

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Joachim-Becher-Straße 1
67346 Speyer, Deutschland
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Haltermann GmbH Firmen Informationen

Allgemeine Informationen

A story of discovery

Our story originates from two of the oldest chemical companies in the world and combines the minds of two extraordinary chemists, Johann Haltermann and Eugene Carless.

We have a long history in refining which dates back to 1859 when Eugene Carless established the company Carless, Capel & Leonard and later developed a new volatile substance which sold under the name “petrol”. Petrochem UK acquired Carless in 2000 forming the company Petrochem Carless, which was later acquired by HCS Group in 2013.

Meanwhile in Germany, the later on called Johann Haltermann Mineralöl AG was founded in 1898 in the harbour of Hamburg and subsequently went on to produce gasoline and pioneer the rapid development of hydrocarbon specialties. Dow Chemical acquired the Haltermann company in 2003, which was then later acquired by HIG Capital in 2011 laying the foundations of the new Holding company, HCS Group.

To find out more about the history of Carless (marked in red), Haltermann (marked in green) and Haltermann Carless (marked in blue), please view the timeline below.

Joachim-Becher-Straße 1 Speyer

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