Beratung & Training Ursula Hesselmann

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Daßberg 20A
87724 Ottobeuren, Deutschland
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Beratung & Training Ursula Hesselmann Firmen Informationen

Allgemeine Informationen

Ursula is coach, consultant, mediator, trainer and co-author of several books.

She is founder and CEO of a successful consulting and training company in Germany. Here topics are personal development, relationship management, conflict solving as coach and mediator. She is confirmed by the center for mediators in Germany and the federal association for coaches and the ministry of justice of Austria.
Ursula’s coaching style is authentic, respectful, client centric, practical and engaging. According to her clients she is a great listener and has a strong intellect, radiates positive energy and is skillful in intuitively hitting the right spot.

Here passion is the human beings. To help therein she sees her vocation. Here professionalism and personality helps to open up the mind and the talents of her clients. She likes to play with LEGO, balls, cards, wooden figures …. This helps to take new perspectives and to find creative ideas.

Daßberg 20A Ottobeuren

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