Departures Film GmbH
04177 Leipzig, Deutschland
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Film Production Company
Undine Filter and Thomas Král founded Leipzig-based independent film production company DEPARTURES Film GmbH in April 2010. DEPARTURES Film develops and produces feature films and TV movies for national and international markets. The two producers work regularly with established filmmakers but also with up-and-coming talent. DEPARTURES Film got underway in 2011 with Thomas Stuber's short film OF DOGS AND HORSES, which went on to receive a Student Oscar®. They followed up with the feature film ROCKER directed by Romanian-born Marian Crisan in 2012. The film premiered in the New Directors competition at San Sebastian International Film Festival. In 2014, Andrea Sedláčková's FAIR PLAY was selected to run in competition at the Karlovy Vary International Film Festival and was up for an Oscar® in 2015 representing the Czech Republic as Best Non-English Language Film. In addition to Thomas Stuber's HERBERT (IT: A HEAVY HEART), one of the most recent projects pursued by DEPARTURES Film is Elena Hazanov's THE PUPPET SYNDROME (2015).
Endersstr. 62 Leipzig
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- Telefonnummer
- +4934124259580
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- Soziale Medien
- Schlüsselwörter
- freiluftkino
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