Art Domain Whois Verlag
06484 Quedlinburg, Deutschland
Art Domain Whois Verlag Firmen Informationen
Allgemeine Informationen
It’s the joined goal of all four cornerstones of Art Domain Group to give fruitful support and encouragement to the avid and skilful fine artist beyond the abovementioned vociferously opinion-making, degenerate art stages of our days.
Art Domain Group's 4 cornerstones
The prestigious art prize, PALM ART AWARD, donated in 2003:
The award aims to serve as a stepping stone to an enhanced level of your artist career. The competition seeks to attract in particular
emerging artists complying with or even redefining standards of art excellence. It is sponsored by Winsor&Newton.
The German based art publisher ART DOMAIN WHOIS PUBLISHER, established in 2005:
Providing accurate, concise biographies of leaders and achievers from every significant field of endeavor, the various Who's Who editions
worldwide have always been recognised as prestigious reference documents, as celebration of achievement.
Art Domain's “Who's Who in Visual Art” is exclusively dedicated to the field of the Fine Arts, Arts & Crafts and Fine Art Photography.
The primary aim of this contest is to honour and support the best artistic concepts and recognize its excellent realization.
The award provides all winners and nominees with publicity, prestige and creates a global PR push.
Im Wasserwinkel 5 Quedlinburg
- Öffnungszeiten
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- Die Firma hat einen Parkplatz.
- Telefonnummer
- +4939468190201
- Weblinks
- Soziale Medien
- Schlüsselwörter
- verlag, künstler
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