Nordson EFD Deutschland

489 gefällt
180 Favoriten
40 Catamore Blvd
02914 East Providence, Deutschland

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Nordson EFD Deutschland Unternehmen Bio

Allgemeine Informationen

Nordson EFD designs and manufactures precision fluid dispensing systems for benchtop assembly processes and automated assembly lines. By enabling manufacturers to apply the same amount of adhesive, lubricant or other assembly fluid to every part, every time, EFD dispensing systems are helping companies in a wide variety of industries increase throughput, improve quality, and lower their production costs. Other fluid management capabilities include high-quality syringe barrels and cartridges for packaging one- and two-component materials, along with a wide variety of fittings, couplers and connectors for controlling fluid flow in medical, biopharmaceutical and industrial environments. The company is also a leading formulator of specialty solder pastes for dispensing and printing applications in the electronics industry.

40 Catamore Blvd East Providence

09:00 - 16:00
09:00 - 16:00
09:00 - 16:00
09:00 - 16:00
09:00 - 15:00
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